Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Work Hard

If you want something you have to work hard for it; because nothing is impossible in this life. I want to be a good swimmer and get a scholarship to get in a good university but I have to work hard to get it. First of all I have to get good grades and I have to put all my effords in the practice; is all or nothing. I have to be responsable with my things in school and  spare my time between school, swimming practice, being with friends and family and some time for myself. I practice 6 days a week, if I want something I have to work hard don't I?

1 comment:

  1. Swimming must take a lot of discipline and strength! I imagine you must really like to practice this sport in order to do well. Fortunately, if you don't always compete, it'll be a good form of exercise as you grow older.
